Uninor starter kit provides values similar to callings cards and it includes lifetime validity with 1p/sec cheap calls India tariff and the finest network coverage. Free phone call packs offer talk-time values worth 5 Rupees to 500 Rupees. The i gain-10, i gain-20, i gain-500 and other plans are low-priced callings cards which offers customers with bundle of free phone call and STD cheap calls in India.
The Kick start 551 callings cards plan provides benefits such as 120000 local seconds and Uninor to Uninor free phone call local seconds of 42000/month for 3 months. Cheap calls in India are synonymous to Uninor’s free phone call packages which often have free SMS service too. Uninor, used by millions of customers in India , is offering all value packs which eventually suit the Indian demand. Free callings cards to tariffs for cheap calls India , Uninor is customer centric and it is always Uninor for ‘U’.